St Peter’s PCC

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the executive committee of St Peter’s Church. Legally it is responsible for the financial affairs of the Church, the maintenance of its assets (buildings and contents) and promoting the mission of the Church. All parochial church councils are charities, and all the members are trustees.



The PCC consists of the Rector, churchwardens and representatives of the congregation. Members are elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). To be elected to the PCC, a person must be a communicant member, aged 16 or over, and on the Church electoral roll.
The PCC appoints people to fill positions such as secretary and treasurer. However, churchwardens must be elected at the annual meeting. The PCC also appoints sub-committees to conduct specific aspects of the business of the PCC.

The current members of St Peter’s PCC are:


Licensed Lay Minister


Representatives on the Deanery Synod

Representatives of the Laity

John Brewster
Susannah Emson
Mark Heritage
Nickie Johnson
Tom Mitchell
Sally Mundy
David Ricks – Vice Chair
William Zarrett


Meetings of St Peter’s PCC take place every two months, usually on a Thursday evening from 7.30 pm. Meeting dates are shown in the calendar on this website and in the weekly welcome sheet. All members of the parish are welcome to attend.

Minutes of PCC meetings and reports presented to the meetings by the various sub-committees can be found by clicking the links below.