Service Rotas
Many hands make light work and St Peter’s has plenty of opportunities for you to share your talents. If you would like to play a more active role in services, please get in touch via the parish office: there is a place here for everyone.
Praying for one another, for the Church, the world, the community, the suffering and the communion of saints represents a key part of the Church’s ministry. Intercessors have the privilege of leading the congregation in appealing to our heavenly Father, who knows and cares about our concerns.
The Bible is God’s word for His Church. It offers guidance in all of life’s ups and downs. Reading the passage for the day is an integral part of Church services.
The sacristans set up the altar for all Eucharist services as well as clearing up afterwards and laundering the altar linen.
This team assists the priest during Communion, ensuring that the various books and materials are in place at the relevant time.
We have several teams of sidespersons who, whilst on duty, are the first people our parishioners and visitors meet. They ensure that everyone is met with a smile and offered a warm welcome.